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Although the exact date is still to be found, it is probably around 1933, that Martins Bank takes the decision to move from the original Castletown branch of the Manx Bank on The Parade, to this beautiful building in the Market Square.

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Aptly for a place called Castletown, the Branch seems to resemble a small fortress, and what better advertisement could there be for somewhere safe to keep your money!  The Barclays Wealth Brand catered for the well-heeled from this building until February 2024 as you can see in our “then and now” feature later on this page…

In Service: 1933 until 09 February 2024

Branch Images © Barclays Ref 0030-0575

For our Castletown feature, we go back to July 1950 and a visit to the Branch by the team from Martins Bank Magazine. It turns out that the writer of the article – Magazine Editor Alec R Ellis,has been particularly looking forward to this visit, as it allows him to catch up with old friends…

1922 Castletown Branch as L & Y Bank CU PAMonday, July 31st, we set out for Castletown, calling in at Port Erin branch to cash a cheque. By a fortunate coincidence Mr. G. K. Dyson, Manager of Sowerby Bridge branch, and his wife were there on the same errand and we were pleased to meet them both and have a chat. We arrived at Castletown shortly before midday to keep the appointment to which we had been looking forward all week, the meeting with Len Kermode, a very close friend and colleague of our old Heywoods days, close on twenty years ago.

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We Had not seen him since his and our first-born were little more than babes in arms and the meeting was indeed a reunion. The babe of the early 1930's is now a valuable member of our Castletown staff which she joined after a spell at Port Erin.   She has been at the Bank since 1948. Mr. L. Kermode is the brother of Mr. J. F. W. Kermode, our Douglas manager, and has recently been appointed Manager of our Ramsey branch. Owing to bereavement his departure for Ramsey has been delayed and Mr. Quilleash, the new Clerk-in-Charge at Castletown was still at Ramsey at the time of our visit, as we have already stated. Mr. Kermode entered the Bank in 1920 and has previously served at Head Office, Liscard, Seacombe, Exchange, Blundellsands, Hoylake and Heywoods before his appointment as Clerk-in-Charge at Castletown in 1934. His second man is J. J. Miller who entered the service in 1928 at Liverpool City Office and has also been at Central, Park, Egremont, Charing Cross, Heswall, H.O. Relief and Douglas before going to Castletown in 1949.

We made up a family party for lunch at Derby Haven, taking Jean Kermode and collecting her sister Monica on the way, and afterwards, while Jean and her father returned to catch up with the work, Monica conducted us over the castle. In the evening we went over to Port St. Mary to meet Mr. Miller's wife and their eldest daughter and spend an hour together.  Mr. Miller's wife had presented him with their third daughter a fortnight previously. On the following day we said our farewells to our friends in this lovely island of blue skies and sapphire seas, old-world fishing villages and peaceful havens, wooded glens and winding lanes with their fuchsia hedges and taking the evening plane from Ronaldsway we watched it fade away into the sunset of a perfect summer's day.

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The good fortune brought by Martins Bank’s inheritance of branches on the Isle of Man, eventually turned Castletown into a Branch of Barclays Wealth, offering specialist banking services fropm here until February 2024.

1934 to 1950 Mr L Kermode Clerk in Charge MBM-Wi61P52.jpg

1946 to 1947 Mr K C Corrin  MBM-Su65P06.jpg

1950 Miss Jean Kermode MBM-Au50P53.jpg

1950 Mr J J Miller MBM-Au50P53.jpg

1950 Mr W K Quilleash Clerk in Charge MBM-Au50P53.jpg

1969 Mr R A Henry Clerk in Charge MBM-Au69P13.jpg






Mr Len Kermode

Clerk in Charge

1934 to 1950

Mr K C Corrin

On the Staff

1946 to 1947

Miss Jean Kermode

On the Staff


Mr J J Miller

On the Staff


Mr W K Quilleash

Clerk in Charge

1950 to 1969

Mr R A Henry

Clerk in Charge

1969 onwards

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Index Number and District:






Martins Bank  Limited 11-60-21 Castletown

Self Accounting Sub to Douglas

1 Market Square Castletown Isle of man

87 Liverpool

Mon to Fri 1000-1500

Saturday 0930-1100

Castletown 2559

Night safe Installed

W K Quilleash pro Manager


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Casltetown The Parade

Isle of Man


15 December 1969


Moved from The Parade to 1 Market Square by Martins Bank Limited

Barclays Bank Limited 20-18-78 Castletown

Closed Permanently from 12 Noon


Isle of Man